Jan/Feb '10 Best Dressed List

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In my opinion, these four people have been the Best Dressed for some time now. And, not only are they doing it B.I.G. with their unique styles but also with (for some) their college and/or (for some) business life. So here they are!

Daniel "Diggy" Simmons
This young guy right here is definitely a "future shock force"! He gets it in! This is a fashionisto who happens to be a rapper...or however you want to put it. He's definitely been showing us that his eye for fashion is there. And not only can he rap but can dress. SOMETHING SERIOUS! I'm not saying anything that you don't know already but I'm just saying it again. Sidenote: Angela Simmons' fashion style is something serious as well. I guess it's Like Sister, Like Brother. Those two are my favorites. It definitely runs in the family. lol.
"...I don't do this because it's "cool", I do it cause it's ME, F.A.S.H.I.O.N., It's a passion, I don't go to these shows for camera flashin', and if you didn't know by now this is what I LOVE TO DO..." -Diggy Simmons (digslifeofthejetsetter.blogspot.com)

Sham Shirley

1/2 of the creative minds behind (my favorite blog) LateBoots.com. She's a Southern Girl taking over the NYC in a huge way. This young woman has also been working extremely hard on a lot of positive things that the world will definitely be excited about. The Entrepreneur...I must say! Even though she's working hard, her style is always on point. I love Sham's style. It's so not everybody else's. And that's why I appreciate her style.

Marquis Phifer

The other half behind (my favorite blog) LateBoots.com. He also attends Morehouse College. (another HBCU representer!) lol. Aside from the college life, this guy's a business man. And yes! He does dress how he wants to be addressed...(-#SomeRevRunWords)! But at the same time, this guy is dressing how he feels. Whatever his motives are...I absolutely love 'em. YuppP...big things are definitely coming from this guy in the fashion & business world.

For the past few months, this fashionable college kid has been apart of Marquis' life on my favorite place, LateBoots.com. And she's been up to some huge happenings. But Lo's style is something serious! Seriously! And I mean that in a very serious way. lol. Every single picture that's taken of Lo is dope. I mean that. Style is rediculous!

"Always dress the way you want to be address."
-Rev Run

Diggy Simmons' photos via: digslifeofthejetsetter.blogspot.com
Sham Shirley's photos via: lateboots.com & streetetiquette.com
Marquis Phifer & Lo's photos via: lateboots.com


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