Flashback Movie (Play): Madea's Class Reunion

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Stage Play Tour (Year) : 2003

Starring: Tyler Perry, Cheryl Pepsii Riley, Tamela Mann, David Mann, Terrell Carter, etc...

I remember when this play was actually running & how everybody (at least where I was) had talked about going to see this play on stage. I remember when Tyler Perry had once started selling his plays on videotape & dvd only through a phone number. They weren't in Wal-mart or Best Buy like today. Tyler Perry & his work might not have been huge to the world like he is today but he was extremely big to us. Tyler Perry started off famous in his own right through something called the "Chitlin' Circuit" (that's famous black history for ya...google that). lol. 
I have grown up on this man's work. He's an inspiration to me. And he's one of the reasons why I've always aspired to be involved in the production of the film & television industry.
I love this play! It's hilarious to me. Just like every other play that T.P. has done, this one has a message somewhere in it. And there is definitely wonderful songs & straight-up comedy.


Thank you.