"WHAT?" Marlon Jackson's Slavery Theme Park!!

2:44:00 PM KB 1 Comments

(Sigh!) What do you think? Read the rundown first.

Marlon Jackson, a former member of the Jackson Five, is involved in plans to build the Badagry Historical Resort Development Project, which would feature a memorial and a museum about slavery.

But some historians have condemned the project, which would include a theme park with a slave ship replica, along with casinos, shops, a golf course and condominiums.

The resort would also house memorabilia from the glory years of the Jackson Five, the classic Motown group known for hits including "ABC" and "I Want You Back".

The development group has said it hopes that the band will help attract African-American tourists keen to trace their roots back to Nigeria.

But critics have said that the project is exploiting a painful history.

Visitors would be able to visit a replica slave ship and walk the route their shackled ancestors walked before playing a round of golf or relaxing by a pool.


Now. Woah. O.K.
Let me tell ya'll that this "DOES NOT" seem like a very good idea. Like really. In my opinion, it doesn't. It does not seem fair, at all. Honestly, if or whenever in my lifetime, I am to visit Nigeria, I do not plan on visiting this theme park. Last semester at Texas Southern University, I visited the Slavery Exhibit at the University Museum. It was for my Fine Arts/Music class. Anyways, there was some serious and powerful stuff going on in that museum that day. And do you really want to know something? After my viewing of & holding actual 'slave shackles' & all kinds of other slave items, my fellow classmates and I were not, i repeat we were not in any mood to celebrate after that experience. I had conversations and thoughts about that stuff for an entire week. So, coming back to this Slavery Theme Park & Resort plan. Do you actually think that I would visit this slavery theme park resort where everything is revolving around this replica slave ship life and then I would have tons of fun and live it up around this. Should I say, "Let's go bowling on the slave ship deck (smiley face)?" COME ON NOW FOLKS, YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! That's not cool at all. So, I've done my research on this plan and it seems that they are very serious with it. But this is my views on that issue. I'm done now.

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. WHAT??!

    "a theme park with a slave ship replica, along with casinos, shops, a golf course and condominiums"

    that would be f'ed up!!!
    what kind of an idiot would come up with that ish?!


Thank you.